Aragosaurus-IUCA: the most modern dinosaur tracks in Europe

Researchers Aragosaurus-IUCA Group, University of Zaragoza have led a research that has helped to find the footprints (fossil footprints) of Europe’s most modern dinosaurs. These footprints are found in sandstone areas on the banks of rivers in different locations in the Aragonese Pyrenees and Catalan and prove that dinosaurs lived in this part of the world until the time when the large meteor struck the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary

In a recent publication in the journal PlosOne have shown how popular duck beaks dinosaurs lived in the last few thousand years of the Cretaceous.

A comprehensive review and study of the rich dinosaur track record of the Tremp Formation in the southern Pyrenees of Spain (Southwestern Europe) shows a unique succession of footprint localities prior to the end-Cretaceous mass extinction event. A description of some 30 new tracksites and data on sedimentary environments, track occurrence and preservation, ichnology and chronostratigraphy are provided. These new track localities represent various facies types within a diverse set of fluvial environments. The footprint discoveries mostly represent hadrosaurian and, less abundantly, to sauropod dinosaurs. The hadrosaur tracks are significantly smaller in size than, but morphologically similar to, those of North America and Asia and are attributable to the ichnogenus Hadrosauropodus. The track succession, with more than 40 distinct track levels, indicates that hadrosaur footprints in the Ibero-Armorican region occur predominantly in the late Maaastrichtian (at least above the early Maastrichtian–late Maastrichtian boundary). The highest abundance is found noticeably found in the late Maastrichtian, with tracks occurring in the C29r magnetochron, within about the latest 300,000 years of the Cretaceous.

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