Doctoral Thesis Award, 2010-2011 and 2011-2012 courses, Foundation Sierra Elvira


Elvira Sierra Foundation, fulfilling its objectives of promoting science and encourage their research, calls this first edition of Doctoral Thesis Award, Foundation Sierra Elvira. The thesis will have been read in Spanish universities during the 2010-2011 and 2011-2012 courses.

The topic has to be about paleontological and stratigraphic aspects in which the taxonomy and biostratigraphy have a frank discussion.

Text written in Spanish or English (Mention International Doctoral / PhD Europe), with an abstract (in English) or summary, respectively, descriptive of memory with an area of ​​approximately 5% of the main text of the thesis.

Each participant must submit an entry form with your personal data and other supporting evidence, including three letters of endorsement by specialists in the various theses materials. Several thesis will be selected finalists, of which the jury will decide the Ist and 2nd awards, attending originality, methodology, objective approach, discussion of results and justification of the conclusions of the memory.

Each participant warrants to be the owner of the intellectual property rights of the work presented so the Foundation exempting any such claim. Participants will not have more than 35 years at the time of the defense of thesis. The author undertakes to cite the award corresponding to publish the work, using materials or results within the report awarded.

Deadline: until 14h on Monday 22 October 2012. This information above is a summary. The detailed conditions are in the call (available in