“On- and off-site effects of soil erosion following wildfire and post-fire land management”.

Conferencia: “On- and off-site effects of soil erosion following wildfire and post-fire land management”. 

Impartida por: Jan Jacob Keizer. Centre for Environmental and Marine Research (CESAM) 

Fecha: 28 de octubre de 2014

Lugar: Salón de Actos de la Biblioteca María Moliner

Hora: 11:30h


It is well-documented from across the globe that wildfires can provoke strong and sometimes extreme increases in runoff generation and soil erosion. It is equally well-documented from various parts of the world that post-fire runoff and especially erosion can be reduced very substantially by so-called “emergency measures”.The presentation will give an overview of the research that the earth surface processes team of the University of Aveiro has been carrying out on both topics in north-central Portugal over the past decade, following the dramatic wildfire years of 2003 and 2005. Besides the results obtained so far, also future research directions will be discussed.

Breve CV Ponente

Jan Jacob Keizer obtained a PhD degree in vegetation ecology in 2000 from the University of Amsterdam; since then has dedicated most of his research activities on soil water repellency and on wildfire effects on soils, vegetation and hydrological and erosion processes in north-central Portugal. JJ Keizer started his own research team in 2005, and is currently coordinating the so-called «earth surface processes team» of the Centre for Environmental and Marine Studies (CESAM) of the University of Aveiro in Portugal (www.cesam.ua.pt/teamsite). He is also currently University of Aveiro team leader of two EU-FP7 projects related (at least in the Portuguese case studies) to wildfire effects, CASCADE and RECARE. JJ Keizer is co-author of over 50 publications published in peer-reviewed journals on mentioned subjects. 

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