A socio-environmental heritage in transformation – Current situation and possibilities of its enhancement in a context of territorial planning
Coordination of the transversal line: Juan de la Riva Fernández, GEOFOREST, Strategic Area “Territory”
Research groups involved:
• Area “Animal Science”
BIOFITER – Biology, Physiology and Reproduction Technologies (I.P. Pilar Santolaria)
• “Legal-Economic” Area
AGUDEMA – Water, Law and Environment (IP. Beatriz Setuain)
• “Territory” area
Climate, Water, Global Change and Natural Systems (IP Alfredo Ollero Ojeda)
GEOFOREST – GEOenvironmental processes in FOREST spaces (IP Juan de la Riva Fernández)
Research staff involved in this line of research (in alphabetical order): Abecia, A., Badía, D., Colom, E., de la Riva, J., Domingo, D., Embid, A., Ibarra, P. , La melas, T., Longares, LA., Martínez, M., Montealegre, A., Molinos, L., Ortiz, O., Rodrigues, M., Romero, S., Saz, M.Á.
Very relevant has been the involvement in this proposal and in the work sessions for its preparation of Marco Gastón Romeo, geographer and pastor of Ansó.
Objectives of the cross-sectional line of research
Strategic definition of the general objective
The underlying reason for this proposal lies in the desire to contribute -with an operational response, based on scientific rigor and the experience and knowledge of the population, from a multidisciplinary approach- to analysis, diagnosis and prospective extensive livestock farming supported by the use of Pyrenean pastures. It is a question, therefore, of converging, from the accumulated experience and the potentialities of different disciplines, in an integrated vision, since this is what is required by the very complex nature of the object of study. Keep in mind that the Pyrenean pastures are not only a support for extensive livestock farming, but also, to a large extent, a product of it. Livestock use is what has led to the expansion of pastures to the detriment of woody formations and has made possible the high biodiversity that they harbor. In doing so, it has modeled a landscape that, although it is often perceived as “natural”, is really “cultural” or, at least, has an important cultural imprint. In addition, the traditional cattle exploitation, of which the current forms of extensive cattle farming are a continuation or survival, has directly influenced the forging of the culture -understood in a broad sense- of the Pyrenean mountain societies, promoting peculiar forms of land management supported by in collective or joint use. All of this is evident in a rich heritage, both tangible and intangible, which inevitably merges with the natural values of the territory, its high plant and animal biodiversity, the quality of its landscapes and, from a broader perspective, to the set of ecosystem services, which transcend the territory itself.
Consequently, they constitute spaces that have been recognized as of high environmental value, being protected within the Aragon Natural Network and the Natura 2000 Network. But, at the same time, the grazing ports of the Pyrenees, whether they are supraforest summer seasons or « summer ports”, whether the downspouts or “transit” ports at a lower height, are subject to intense changes that affect land use, a consequence of the transformations in livestock activity, linked to those experienced by the traditional systems of life of the mountain that have occurred during the last decades, and that has resulted, among other processes, in a reduction of the sheep stocking rate, with the consequent vegetal dynamics through the increasing scrub of pastures. This dynamic causes a loss of the socio-environmental values of these territories, which, as has been indicated, have their roots in traditional extensive livestock exploitation.
On the other hand, the very enhancement of environmental values through the declaration of protection figures sometimes generates some controversy, since it is not always perceived or, at least, presented and articulated as an opportunity for rural development and revitalization. of the local population and their activity. Frequently, expectations are disappointed and a perception of disappointment spreads, despite the fact that the local population and its institutions are proudly and well-foundedly aware of the heritage they have in their hands and that they and their activity have generated and maintain. In this context of necessary compatibility between protection and use of the territory, specific problems also emerge, such as the coexistence between sheep and bear farming, the compatibility of recreational and tourist uses with environmental protection or the role played by administrations in land use planning and management. It is also added the inexcusable context of global changes that, with their reflection on a local and regional scale, the world is facing today and that constitute a framework of necessary adaptation and mitigation when pursuing sustainable development that simultaneously contemplates environmental dimensions, social and economic. All of this means that this line of work must necessarily be addressed in an integral way from the common perspective of Territorial Planning, through the convergence of different disciplinary approaches and explicitly integrating the participation of the local population, the social fabric and their institutions. Only on this basis will it be possible to make significant and operational contributions to revitalize and promote extensive livestock farming and all the socio-environmental values that characterize its heritage, the conservation of its natural resources and the preservation of the ecosystem services provided by the natural environment. , of compatibility or, at least, of zoning of the uses and of the management of the territory, of sustainable socioeconomic development of the territory and its people.
Specific objectives
Objective 1: Current characterization and diagnosis of pastures and extensive livestock activity, its history and its dynamics.
1.1 – Environmental and landscape characterization in relation to livestock activity in a context of climate change.
1.2 – Analysis and cartography of the pastures and the scrub of the ports: current situation and recent vegetal and landscape dynamics, environmental values, bromatological quality and from the point of view of livestock.
1.3 – Analysis and cartography of livestock activity: socioeconomics of the sector, stocking rate, role in the local economy and in the socioeconomic development strategies of the territory.
1.4 – Origin and survival of the management systems and use of the territory in the context of the forms of ownership of the mountains that house these pastures.
1.5 -Characterization and study of the productivity of Ansotana sheep herds: number of herds, ensos, replacement, number of births/year, prolificacy, fecundity, use of hormonal treatments, possibility of artificial insemination.
Objective 2: Prospective and proposals for the management of pastures and the revitalization or promotion of extensive livestock.
2.1 -Updating the estimated stocking rate.
2.2 -Practical experiences of treatments to improve livestock potential through prescribed burning.
2.3 -Future possibilities in relation to the legal-regulatory framework.
2.4 -Study of the grazing habits of the sheep in relation to the orography of the land and the vegetation.
2.5 -Preparation of a mapping proposal for land use zoning in pasture areas.
Activities to be carried out and participation of the groups involved
• BIOFITER has experience in the study of the general management of sheep, their production systems, their reproductive calendars, the technologies of the so-called «Precision Livestock», and especially the use of GPS to control the herds and virtual fences.
• AGUDEMA provides the study and analysis of the transversal line proposed from the legal system, with consolidated experience in research in the environmental field in international public law, administrative law, civil law, commercial law and financial and tax law.
• CLIMATE WATER, GLOBAL CHANGE AND NATURAL SYSTEMS contributes with its competence in the analysis of the current climate and the past climate and the interactions between the climatic dynamics and the natural and forest systems, fundamental aspects for an adequate planning and management of the Aragonese territory and of its resources and potential in a scenario of global change.
• GEOFOREST contributes its experience in territorial and environmental analysis, both in the evaluation and diagnosis of natural values and resources (soil, vegetation, landscape), and in territorial planning. It also contributes with its specific competence in the subject of soil-plant interaction and prescribed burning and the use of geographic information technologies (multi-sensor remote sensing, cartography…) and geo-statistical modeling techniques of territorial variables.
Activities in relation to objective 1 (only some of a very specific nature are highlighted)
• Field work. Fundamental basis for all the sub-objectives of the first specific objective.
• Carrying out drone flights and acquisition of satellite remote sensing images for their subsequent treatment for the analysis and cartography of the pastures and scrub in the ports – GEOFOREST
• Generation of a geodatabase, in a GIS environment, with the variables related to the current characterization and diagnosis of pastures and extensive livestock activity -GEOFOREST, CLIMATE…
• Prospecting of the herds in the area, based on surveys of farmers (census, sheep age, labor force, management and reproductive calendar, type of lamb sold and annual supply, etc.) – BIOFITER
• Legal analysis of types of forms of collective property present in Pyrenean areas and their management -AGUDEMA
Activities in relation to objective 2 (only some of a very specific nature are highlighted)
• Prescribed burns. The soil and, in particular, the biota will be used as an indicator of the effect of prescribed burning. Recording through sensors on board drones (optical and thermal) will be integrated, together with the methods currently used -GEOFOREST
• Cattle telemetry. From GPS geopositioning devices, combined with remote sensing tools and resources (LiDAR, optical satellite drone, VisNIR orthophotography) -BIOFITER, GEOFOREST
• Analysis of the behavior of grazing sheep, and their usual behavior patterns related to the morphology of the terrain and vegetation -BIOFITER, GEOFOREST, CLIMATE…
• Geo-statistical modeling and definition of a proposal for land use in pasture areas and the formulation of recommendations -BIOFITER, AGUDEMA, GEOFOREST, CLIMA…
Framing in public research strategies
This proposal is presented as a transversal line that combines the work of different IUCA research groups around a research topic in which all of them have proven competence; Continuity is expected in subsequent calls of greater scope, in confluence with other groups and institutions, probably in the Pyrenean cross-border context. In this way, it also responds to one of the strategic objectives of the Institute, as evidenced by the “IUCA periodic evaluation report” prepared by ACPUA and currently contemplates the “IUCA Strategic Plan 2020-2023”. It is also a transversal approach to an environmental theme that affects both basic and applied aspects, in line both with the first explicit objective and the “mission” of the IUCA and with three of the four axes of specialization marked by the CEI lberus : environment and sustainability, social and territorial development, agri-food. Likewise, this proposal is in tune with the strategic priorities defined for the Autonomous Community of Aragon in the RIS3, highlighting: a) the willingness to commit to the Aragonese territory and to the evaluation, conservation, restoration and improvement of its environmental values, as well as the sustainable use of resources and the comprehensive development of rural territories; b) an integrated approach and the use of novel enabling technologies; and c) the determined vocation to the transfer of scientific-technological knowledge, both to the productive system (livestock sector), and to public managers. The proposal is aligned with several strategic lines of regional development defined in the II PAID: I) Development of the territory taking advantage of its specific characteristics (sustainable livestock); II) Conservation and enhancement of natural heritage” (“Sustainable management, biodiversity, ecosystems and landscapes”, priority line 2); «111) Security and quality of individual and collective life»; IV) Sustainability of development”. Likewise, it also does so with several of its objectives: «l. The promotion of science and technology transfer in all fields»; “3. The advancement of innovation and technological development, with sufficient impact on the productive capacity of the different sectors of the Aragonese economy»; “5. The application of technology for the defense and conservation of the natural environment»; «9. The consolidation of a research structure of excellence, through the creation and promotion of stable research infrastructures”. Finally, indicate that it involves four of the current ANEP Thematic Areas: Social Sciences (CSO) – Subarea GE Geography; Law (DER); Agricultural and agri-food sciences (CAA) – Subarea GYA Livestock and aquaculture; Environmental Sciences and Technologies (CTM) – Subareas BDV Biodiversity, CTA Earth and Water Sciences, TMA Environmental Technologies.