(Zaragoza. Saturday, September 30, 2023). Last Friday, September 29, 2023, the people of Aragon were able to enjoy more than 70 scientific activities at the European Night of Researchers, thanks to the collaboration of 190 researchers from the University of Zaragoza, who brought together experiments, games, talks , walks, coffees and scientific monologues in the center of Zaragoza, Huesca and Teruel.
The rector of the University of Zaragoza, José Antonio Mayoral, and the general director of Science and Research of the Government of Aragon, Pilar Gayán, made visible in the Paraninfo this support for the European Night of researchers from the Aragonese public campus. The directors of research institutes at the University of Zaragoza joined in this support.
In Huesca, its mayor Lorena Orduna, and the vice-rector of the Huesca Campus, Marta Liesa, inaugurated the events in the Plaza de Navarra and Casino, while the Vice-rector of Teruel, Jose Martín-Albo, opened an afternoon of activities in the Plaza del Torico and in the Provincial Museum, together with Mari Carmen Muñoz, Councilor for Education and University.
The institutional delegation in the Aragonese capital was received in the Auditorium by Albert Einstein himself, characterized by the actor Jesús Pescador, in commemoration of the centenary of his visit to Zaragoza in March 1923, who accompanied them on their tour of the ground floor of the building to learn about the multiple organized activities: from a research fair with experiments, games, demonstrations, talks, coffee with scientists, European corner, hackathon, and 9 scientific walks. The events in the Aragonese capital concluded with the show of scientific monologues, by the RISArchers group, of monologue researchers from Unizar, presented by Encarni Corrales, Marisol Aznar and David Angulo, from Oregon Television.
Additionally, in the Aragonese capital, attendees enjoyed two coffees with scientists with the 11 protagonists of the “I am a scientist” campaign. I live in your neighborhood”, in which the IUCA geographer, María Zúñiga, a researcher from the GEOT group, who participated in the 2023 edition, participated. Likewise, a third coffee took place with leaders of several European projects.
The program also included up to 9 scientific routes such as the historical-artistic route along Paseo Independencia, two mathematical routes, one through Plaza Aragón, and another, Mudejar, around La Seo, four visits to the Museum of Natural Sciences, and two walks taken by the man himself. Albert Einstein, which received a great reception and whose registrations closed in just a few hours. José Manuel González, researcher from the ARGOS – IUCA group, guided the tour “The architecture and urban planning of Paseo de la Independencia”, which visited the first bourgeois expansion started in the 19th century, with a tour of unique buildings such as the Post Office, Telefónica, housing blocks, cinemas, bank headquarters, large commercial warehouses, offices, etc.
The IUCA at the European Night of Researchers
- Walk through the Museum of Natural Sciences
- 19:00H The architecture and urban planning of Paseo de la Independencia. With the art historian, José Manuel González (IUCA). Guided tour of the first bourgeois expansion that began in the 19th century, with a tour of unique buildings such as the Post Office, Telefónica, housing blocks, cinemas, bank headquarters, large commercial warehouses, offices , etc.
- Experiments – Paraninfo Patio: All together! Biodiversity in the face of climate change (IUCA), with researcher Hugo Saiz (Ecological Restoration)
- Coffee with scientists. Participate: María Zúñiga (GEOT-IUCA)
- The scientific monologue show. Participates: Josefina Pérez-Arantegui (GEAS) with the monologue “The nanoparticle and eternal youth.”

- Soil and food health.David Badía, Clara Martí, Marta Escuer, Andoni Alfaro
Higher Polytechnic School (EPS). Geoforest – IUCA - Ecosystem detectives: our clues are the bugs. Rocío López, Esperanza Iranzo
Higher Polytechnic School (EPS). Ecological Restoration – IUCA - Generating forest varieties adapted to climate change. Ester Sales Clemente
Higher Polytechnic School. BioFiter – IUCA

- “The seven kingdoms”. Participating: Rafael Royo Torres, Adrián Ponz Miranda (Beagle) and Alfonso Burgos Risco
Faculty of Social and Human Sciences

At the University of Zaragoza, the European Researchers Night is led by the Vice-Rector for Scientific Policy, and organized by the Scientific Culture Unit (UCC) and the European Projects Office (OPE), in collaboration with the institutes of own and joint research from the University of Zaragoza and other research centers.
This activity is part of the #G9Missions project, through a consortium made up of the Group 9 Universities (G-9), which in yesterday’s edition registered a global participation of around 1,400 researchers in 13 cities https://nocheinvestigag9.es/