(Zaragoza, Wednesday, June 8, 2022). The Huesca and Teruel campuses and the San Francisco campus in Zaragoza joined the “Green Week” last Friday, June 3, as a prelude to the European Night of Researchers, which will be held on the last Friday of September. And they did it with workshops, scientific-healthy breakfasts, gymkhanas, sustainable mobility activities, experiments in El Rincón de la Ciencia.
Some of these activities have had the participation of researchers from the Aragon Environmental Science Research Institute (IUCA):
Science Corner: Do you dare to learn more about the cows of the Pyrenees… by playing?
Last Friday, June 3, among the experiments carried out in the Science Corner of the Agrifood Market of the San Francisco Campus, was the activity Do you dare to know more about the cows of the Pyrenees… playing?, carried out by staff researcher belonging to the Beagle group, of Research in Didactics of Natural Sciences.
Through a board game, the students have worked on issues related to the habitat of the cows in the Pyrenees, the importance of conserving native breeds, the work of farmers or the value of local products, among others. This activity stems from the transfer of the results of the European project DietaPYR2, which seeks to innovate and apply new technologies to the production chain of cattle of native breeds in the Pyrenees.

Geological visit to the Ebro River
Finding out about the geological formation of the Ebro River, analyzing its waters with harmless reagents or discovering aquatic insects are some of the objectives of the geological visit to the river organized by the University of Zaragoza, which was held on June 8, World Children’s Day. Oceans, and in which 50 children from 5th and 6th grade of the Jerónimo Zurita public school participated.
This activity is part of the “Green Week Unizar”, which began last Friday, June 3, in the three campuses of Zaragoza, Huesca and Teruel, with the reading of a manifesto and applause for the health of the planet, in the framework of the European Night of Researchers and Researchers with the project ‘G9MISSIONS, Go for the Missions!’ of the University of Zaragoza within the consortium of the Group 9 Universities (G-9).
This visit to the Ebro was led by the geologist Jesús Guerrero, professor in the Department of Earth Sciences in the Degree in Environmental Sciences at the Huesca Campus, and researcher at the University Institute of Environmental Sciences of Aragon (IUCA-Unizar). The researcher received the group from the Zurita school at 9:30 a.m. in the stands of the Expo (near the Volunteer Footbridge), to continue later on the river beach next to the Bridge Pavilion until 11:30 a.m.
“We are determining if the waters of the Ebro are of good or poor quality. We have explained to the Primary school children what a river is, what are the sediments it transports, the formation of mud, of meanders, and then we approached the river and we took water, to determine by means of a series of reagents if they had concentration of chlorides, concentration of sulfates, as well as the hardness of the water, content of nitrates and alkalinity. And what we saw with these analyzes and the use of reactive strips is that the The Ebro waters are of good quality,” explained researcher Jesús Guerrero to the students of the Zurita school, located in La Almozara.