(Zaragoza, Tuesday, June 28, 2022). The University of Zaragoza always shows its commitment to defend respect, equality and non-discrimination. Coinciding with International Pride Day, the Vice-Rector for Students and Employment, Ángela Alcalá, and the main researcher of the Territory Planning Study Group of the University of Zaragoza, Ángel Pueyo, have presented the World Atlas of LGBTI+ Diversity with the objective of offering a working instrument that allows knowing and working on issues of LGBTI+ diversity both for dissemination and for scientific work.
The Atlas collects, through interactive cartographic tools, the particularities by country of diversity in the world. The project aims to find out what are the conditions that make it possible for diversity and other sexual or gender realities to be legal in some countries and illegal in other countries.
For this purpose, an exhaustive collection of statistical data of different kinds has been carried out (per capita income, literacy level, internet index, democracy index, gender equality index, predominant religion, Gini index…) that helps to understand the different acceptance and reality in the world. Likewise, work has been done to locate the geopolitical and social conditions that allow the full integration of the LGBTI+ community in society, essential for respect for difference to be definitively established in the world.
In any case, the acceptance of sexual diversity by societies is a two-way phenomenon, and therefore it is susceptible to change. We currently live in a multipolar world where the perception of sexual diversity tends to change depending on the social and political situation that is experienced at any given time and that involves legal and legal changes.
In addition, the University of Zaragoza has joined the University Network for Diversity (RUD), where 36 Spanish universities are already working to ensure that universities are spaces that respect sexual and gender diversity, diversity by origin, culture, beliefs and the like.
The first TFG – TFM “Sexual Affective Diversity” Awards have also been delivered, which aim to give notoriety and visibility to projects and research related to sexual affective diversity in any of its manifestations, theoretical and methodological perspectives.
The winning students have been Alba Martín Rodríguez, student of the degree of Teaching in Primary Education for her End of Degree Project entitled: “Proposal for educational intervention to raise awareness of transsexuality in Primary Education classrooms”, and directed by Natalia Larraz Rábanos . This work approaches the educational reality on transsexuality in Primary Education with the design of the project “Educating in diversity for equality”, aimed at teachers, families and students, in order to avoid any discrimination or rejection by identity. sexual and/or gender.
Sofía Gómez Palacios, student of the master’s degree in Sociology of Public and Social Policies, has been the winner for her Master’s Thesis entitled: “Implementation of Aragonese LGTBI policies in secondary education centers and their influence on adolescence”, directed by Carmen Elboj Saso and Tatiana Íñiguez Berrozpe. This work revolves around the analysis of two laws on LGTBI matters approved in the Autonomous Community of Aragon in 2018 (popularly known as “Trans Law” and “LGTBI Equality Law”). Two very ambitious laws due to their transversality, which affect many areas of a person’s life.
The evaluation committee has assessed the originality of the study or proposed solution, the contributions of the work and the applicability and/or transfer of the research. The prize consists of a diploma and attendance at a 2022 summer course at the University of Zaragoza, including registration and accommodation.
With all this, the University of Zaragoza reaffirms its commitment to equal opportunities, respect and protection of the LGBTI+ community.