(Zaragoza. Monday, May 9, 2022). The Professor of Didactics of Geography at the Faculty of Education, Rafael de Miguel González, has been re-elected for a second term as President of the European Society of Geography (EUROGEO), at the Congress held in Mytilene (Greece), at the University of the Aegean, last May 5 and 6. His candidacy has been unanimously endorsed by the 120 attending delegates, who represent the more than 6,000 members of EUROGEO and more than 200 university departments and other European geographical entities.

EUROGEO is the scientific entity that, with consultative status in the Council of Europe, in the United Nations, and as a relevant member of the European Alliance of Human and Social Sciences, watches over the interests of the scientific discipline of geography in Europe. For this reason, EUROGEO is playing a prominent role in the activities, publications and congress of the International Geographical Union, which this year celebrates its centenary, after its constitution in 1922 by eight national scientific societies. Of these eight entities, seven were European, including the Royal Spanish Geographical Society, which was represented at the founding Conference by the Aragonese Odón de Buen y del Cos.
Rafael de Miguel González is a professor at the Department of Specific Didactics and a researcher at the ARGOS group (IUCA-UNIZAR). He is Secretary of the Quality Assurance Commission of the Master of Teaching in Secondary Education, Delegate of the Dean of the Faculty of Education for Internationalization and Mobility since 2013, and Director of the Confucius Institute of the University of Zaragoza, since its creation in 2017.
De Miguel is also Member of the Board of Directors of the Royal Spanish Geographical Society, Member of the Spanish Committee of the International Geographical Union, academician of the Royal Society of Nobles and Fine Arts of San Luis de Zaragoza and member of the European Academy.