150th Anniversary of the discovery of the site of Murero. Guided tours

To mark the 150th Anniversary of the discovery of Murero’s it will be offered the possibility of guided tours combined free in the town, to the site of the Rambla de Valdemiedes and to the exhibition entitled «Fossils of Murero», lasting approximately two hours .
Requirements for field trip: sports shoes (boots or shoes), warm and waterproof clothing (preferably bright colors). The course is playable for all ages and audiences (except severe cases of respiratory failure, since there are certain sections of a path accused saving a slope).

Groups of school (all ages): any day of the week, on request in advance.

Other organized groups preferably weekends prior demand (associations, families and the general public). The number of people per group is flexible (refer to the guide).

Contact the guide for group visits in the mail: murero@unizar.es or on the phone 615-485322. To make the visit must have been confirmed the appointment by the guide.

Groups visiting without an appointment: every Sunday in November and December 2012 will form a group of impromptu visit with those interested to attend Murero. The meeting time will be 12:00. Meeting point: Murero bar. Need not be contacted prior to joining the group.

Transportation: Each person or group must make their own transportation to Murero and later to the place of beginning of the field visit in Valdemiedes boardwalk, next to the town.

On Saturday November 3 occurred events commemorating the 150th anniversary of the discovery of the Cambrian paleontological Murero.

The events began at 17 hours in the town of Murero and include the conference had «Murero, 150 years of paleontological research» by Dr. Eladio Linan Guijarro, member of Heritage Research and Museum of Paleontology and IUCA, Professor of Paleontology at the University of Zaragoza, and Dr. Rodolfo Gozalo Gutierrez, Professor of Geology at the University of Valencia.
It also opened the exhibition «Murero fossils» located in the Cultural Hall Welcome Mingote of the town.