2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF AGORA PALEOBOTÁNICA. A Congress in the Countryside. Ariño (Teruel) 2013

2nd International Conference of AGORA PALEOBOTANICA entitled “A Congress in the Countryside” will be held in Ariño(Teruel, Spain) from 9th to 13th July, 2013.

This congress is an international meeting to support and encourage the European palaeobotany and especially young researchers in their native language. This is a unique and innovative conference concept coordinating communications with fieldtrips, which will offer a highly mobile congress. The aim is to inform participants in palaeobotanical studies conducted in Teruel of relevant importance for understanding the evolution of floras, providing the opportunity to visit some of the most important Early Cretaceous (Albian) macroflora fossil sites containing primitive angiosperms in several localities of Teruel province.