Found the smallest Spanish herbivore dinosaur

José Ignacio Canudo, member of the Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences of Aragon (IUCA) and coordinator of the research group AragosaurusIUCA, has identified a new dinosaur to investigate dinosaur fossils that were found Gideonmantellia amosanjuanae in 1982 in the town of Teruel Galve, as it presents a unique morphology in the hip bones and the beginning of the tail, not described in any other dinosaur.

Among the fossils found vertebrae, part of the hip and hind limb, including a foot almost complete. However, nothing was recovered skull, although isolated teeth of other sites might belong to this dinosaur.

The reconstruction made ​​from the remains immature points to a copy of just over one meter would not have stopped growing and even in adulthood could reach two meters in length and 20 kilograms in weight.

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